
Transform-social has texts in English and German language. Most of the texts are not translated. This page lists the English language texts.

Texte in deutscher Sprache sind hier drüben.

Anarcho-Communist Planning


The anarcho-communist approach of decentralized economic planning presented in this paper enables everyone to participate in decisions they are affected by, including all aspects of the economy from consumption preferences and the distribution of scarce resources, over production processes, to organizational aspects and long-term resource distribution and development. These extensive participation possibilities exceed what is usually considered democratic participation. It is facilitated by networked forms of organization and supporting federated cybernetic information tools. This form of decentralization absorbs complexity at the local level while focusing on the needs of the people and fighting injustices, discrimination, and structures of domination.

Keywords: Planetary Boundaries, Economics, Anarchism, Decentralization, Cybernetics


Thus central planning should not only be rejected because it does not handle informational complexity well, but also because it is prone to technocracy, bureaucracy, and takeover by authoritarian forces.

After getting used to self-organized conflict resolution, the processes will become more common and easier to digest.

They provide information, transparency, analysis, research, and suggestions, and facilitate decision-making and conflict resolution but they do not enforce decisions on others.

the federation is no power structure

It creates networks of responsibilities in which nodes have specific functions and responsibilities and pass important information in aggregated form to each other.

That way, the monolithic task of planning is broken down into manageable subtasks, increasing the chances of successful complexity handling and meeting self-defined goals.

It is colonial thinking to assume one way of living and organizing fits everyone or one central unit can decide about the needs of everyone.

Anarchist Economics FAQ


This text answers more than 75 frequently asked questions about anarchist economies.

Keywords: Economics, Anarchism


The complexity and fragility can be reduced by methods of decentralization and encapsulation, allowing everyone to understand the relevant parts of economics.

The capitalist way of doing economics has led to a severe climate crisis and huge social injustices.

For scarce consumer goods, individuals and communities with a higher need (e.g. medical conditions, regions that suffered more under capitalism) should be preferred in the distribution.

Let's build many anarchist economics oases, bridges, and networks within the capitalist desert until the wildflowers start growing all over.

Is it true that "You can’t love someone until you learn to love yourself"?


"You can’t love someone until you learn to love yourself" is not only wrong but also has various harmful aspects.

Keywords: Love, Relationships, Mental Health, Capitalism


Capitalism and patriarchy tell us that we have to fit certain beauty standards and gender norms.

Let's rather face these issues of the world, society, and ourselves together, in solidarity.

It's okay to improve self-love and mental health while being in a relationship.

Anarchist Economics in times of Scarcity


A brief fictional story to make it easier to imagine anarchist economics in times of scarcity.

Keywords: Economy, Anarchy, Scarcity, Draft


The anarchist utopia is not dependent on everything being available in abundance.

No one had paid any attention to the water meters for a long time - after all, water, like everything else, was freely accessible and metering was therefore irrelevant.

Bo didn't have to worry about anything else.

Tools for Emancipatory Societies


This article discusses abstract requirements for future societies based on ethical values, concrete organizational foundations for economic and social planning, and required organizational and technical tools. It also shows how the method of simulation can be used as one tool to support (not dominate) anarchist societies.

Keywords: Economy, Decentralized, Cybernetics, Anarchism


Cybernetics is not about control in the authoritarian sense but about control in the sense of self-regulating and self-organizing, i.e. anti-authoritarian systems.

Decentralization does not mean isolation or rejection of modern technology.

I'm suggesting the use of optimization as an optional tool for multi-level decentralized planning, creating non-coercive suggestions as a decision support tool.

The individualists did not have a huge impact on the solidarity economy.

Rethinking Relationships


Notes on toxic and non-toxic relationships patterns, how to break relationship related societal norms and how structures of dominance fuck with relationships.

Keywords: Love, Polyamory, Relationship Anarchy, Society, Relationships, Capitalism


Let's live in relationships that are good for us and undermine dominance structures.

Never let someone tell you, you would not be able to "really" love someone.

Polyamory might not be for everyone but the skills you learn are.



A short overview of antimilitarist movements and reasons to reject wars.

Keywords: Antimilitarism, Nonviolence, Pacifism, War Resisters International


Strive for the removal of all causes of war.

Some pacifists support the idea of "peaceful military missions", others (like the anarcho-pacifists) do not.



Reflecting on racism from a white perspective. Looking at the various forms of oppression that come with racism.

Keywords: Racism, Oppression, Intersectionality, System


It should not be the responsibility of BIPoC to explain racism to white people.

Race does not exist, but race matters.

Racism can lead to severe psychological damage.

Challenging „The one true Love“


Society and media tell us that we should strive to find the "one true love". Why do they want us to do so and what are the consequnces? How we can lead a better life by telling a different story about love.

Keywords: Love, Polyamory, Relationship Anarchy, Society


Why are we told this toxic story about love?

Not every problem someone has with his girlfriend is necessarily due to the capitalist mode of production.

Polyamory or Relationship Anarchy might not be for everyone but the skills you learn are

CyberSyn - An Ambitious Project of Socialist Economics


50 years after the short but inspiring history of CyberSyn, there is still a lot to learn from this project and its underlying theory of organizational cybernetics.

Keywords: Economy, Decentralized, Cybernetics


Hold on for this ride back in history that still feels like science fiction.

In complex systems, central control is not viable.

Beer explains why only decentralized organizations can cope with complex environments.

It is a source of inspiration for decentralized anarchist economies.

Invisible Women in the German Asylum-System


This interview with an activist from Women in Exile gives some insight into the situation of women in Kenya, refugee camps, and the German Asylum system.

Keywords: Asylum, Women, No Camps


However, being locked in a prison inside of a prison is not the solution.

When you have to fear being deported every day, you don’t really worry about climate change.

Migration due to climate change might increase and it should not be illegalized.

How would Anarchist Societies handle a pandemic?


Some thoughts about how anarchist societies could handle a pandemic.

Keywords: Utopia, Anarchy, Society


That way, each community can decide about their balence between freedom and security and define for themselves the meaning solidarity in times of pandemic.

However, if it turns out that the pandemic can't be stopped with decentral diversity, there might be a need for a global decision.

Transformation into Free and Solidary Societies


Criticism of current societies, how free and solidary societies could be organized and how to get there.

Keywords: Free And Solidary Societies, Transformation, Strategy


This is not one idea, pattern or blueprint of free and solidary societies, but rather a framework, in which multiple diverse ideas of living together and organizing can co-exist.

Thus the power stays decentral and local, always focused on the needs of the people while still being able to make decisions globally.

Anarchy and Responsibility


If you want to be part of a consensus-based anarchist project you should discuss in that group what being responsible for the decisions you made and the rules you agreed upon really means. This includes talking about processes of conflict resolution and separation.

Keywords: Anarchy, Responsibility, Consensus, Separation, Organization, Conflicts


These rules are only worth the time needed to agree on them as a group if the group takes the responsibility to stick to them.

The idea of anarchist societies is not based on the idea of all people wanting the same, but on the idea of decentral groups each acting in their way as long as it does not affect others. In such a society separation from one group and joining an other or even traveling through some groups would not be a sign of failure of the first group or the individual but a chance for personal and group development.